Monarch Waystation Network
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What is the Monarch Waystation Network?
The Monarch Waystation Network is a Monarch Watch project developed to connect and support schools who have pollinator gardens and/or incorporate monarchs into their curriculum. We aim to facilitate the use of your garden as a learning center- a center for discover, self-instruction, and sharing of knowledge by the students. We do not intend to provide all the answers, instead we intend to guide learners to ask questions and then seek their own answers.
MWN Spotlight
We love hearing about incredible projects, student successes, media attention, and all the other inspirational stories from schools across the nation! To share with us, please use the contact form.
The spotlight is now on...
Charlotte Country Day School
Middle school students at Charlotte Country Day School, in Charlotte, NC participate in monarch-themed education experiences throughout the year. Teachers Jennifer Joyner (Spanish), Debbie Biggers (Language Arts) and others have created many successful, cross-curricular projects for these students. The fall is a busy time. They write letters in Spanish and create symbolic butterflies to send to students in Mexico (Journey North's Symbolic Migration), and they also participate as citizen scientists in our Monarch Watch Tagging Program. The students tag butterflies they raised in their school's certified Monarch Waystation garden, as well as wild ones spotted among the many pollinator plants they care for throughout the year. Then in the spring, the students embark on a two-month unit on monarchs studied entirely in Spanish, helping to make what is happening at Charlotte Country Day School very unique.
According to 6th grader, Gaby Wick, “The monarchs are beautiful and special. When you release them it makes you feel both free and proud....Las monarcas son bonitas y especiales. Cuando las liberamos, me siento a la vez libre, y orgullosa.”
Thanks so much to the students and staff for working so hard to provide a better future for monarchs, other pollinators, and our entire world!
Resources and Support
Resources and links for educators.
Resources on milkweed, pollinator habitat and garden maintenance.
Challenge Questions
Great stand-alone projects or discussion-starters.
Learn more about monarchs and common Waystation insects.
Direct Action
Learn what you can do to help monarchs and other pollinators.
Waystation map, newsletter archive, blog and free downloads.
Contact a member of the Monarch Watch team.
Students Love Monarchs
Serah Pesce Las Americas ASPIRA Academy; Newark, DE
"We had so many caterpillars in our Monarch Waystation! We have tagged and released well over 25 adults...we are honored to be a part of this effort...It has been wildly successful at our school both for the butterflies and for the enrichment for the kids!"
Kris Lloyd Bedford Hills Elementary School; Lynchburg, VA
"This has all been just an amazing experience. Our classes raised about 30 cats in the fall that they found on our milkweed. The students were so much more engaged than when we bought painted lady cats. It was one of the funnest things I have ever done."
Toni Lundeen Emily G. Johns Intermediate School; Plano, IL
"Seven fifth grade classrooms raise and capture monarchs to tag for Monarch Watch. After tagging, the butterflies are released into the butterfly garden. Students are taught to identify varieties of milkweed and nectar plants. Some have established gardens at their homes. The school's gardens were featured in a community garden walk which helped raise awareness."